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Serendipitous Encounters on the Road

First Encounters with Japanese Tea…Farmer’s Style

First Encounters with Japanese Tea…Farmer’s Style

One bullet train from Tokyo Station, two locomotives, and one windy bus ride later, I find myself 40 kilometers southeast of Japan’s ancient city of Kyoto, in the remote town of Wazuka. What brings me to live in a town of fewer than 3,600 people […]

Pivot! Traveling in the times of Covid-19

Pivot! Traveling in the times of Covid-19

My first post since all of our worlds got turned upsidedown because of Covid19. To be honest, the timing for a world-wide lockdown was incredibly uncanny as I decided to shift the perspective of my blog from comfort food to food exploration and curiosity, inspired […]

First Bite: an aspiring gastronome’s introduction to italian comfort food

First Bite: an aspiring gastronome’s introduction to italian comfort food

Allora, it’s been nearly a month since I’ve moved from the northwest of one country to the northwest of another country halfway across the world. Now, my appetite to learn Italian comfort food might be just as serious as my wish to be swept away […]

Reflections : A Year in the Life of Cozy

Reflections : A Year in the Life of Cozy

It’s not about the destination, they say. It’s about the journey. To be aimless is not to wander or be lost, it is to be present in your journey. Indeed these words, shamelessly paraphrased from a Saturday morning yoga class, left me inspired to reflect […]

Tokyo Living: Surviving in the Metropolis

Tokyo Living: Surviving in the Metropolis

Long time no see Cozy followers! Apologies for my recent and abrupt absence this month. While I’ve been busy juggling a real life with Cozy life, I never like to disappoint. Which is why, during an international business trip to my favorite city, I went […]

French Comfort Food Steeped in Tradition (and Wine)

French Comfort Food Steeped in Tradition (and Wine)

Before departing for Paris I knew little to nothing about France or French culture other than my only totally one hundred percent accurate and reliable reference called Hollywood…But I was lucky enough to have a chat with a few local Parisians, old friends and new, […]

Eating My Way Through Montmartre

Eating My Way Through Montmartre

It’s quite amazing, before I began writing and exploring food and cozy experiences, my concept of “cozy” was perhaps one dimensional and strongly correlated with physical sensations and climate. But the more I travel, the more I learn that cozy can in fact be more […]

The Heart of Dutch Culture : It’s so cozy, we don’t even have a word for it in English

The Heart of Dutch Culture : It’s so cozy, we don’t even have a word for it in English

Alright people, here we are on the last stop of my summer European extravaganza – it’ll soon be on to everyone’s favorite cozy season of the year! But before you slip on those fuzzy bunny slippers and order your first pumpkin spiced latte of the […]

College Cozy: Cambridge Cafes To Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

College Cozy: Cambridge Cafes To Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

I don’t know about you, but in college sweat pants and coffee ruled the world – even before wearing ethically-sourced-over-priced track pants and posting overhead shots of lattes and succulents for no apparent reason was a thing. I still cringe remembering students march up to […]

Cambridge: Home of Intellects and Cozy Independents

Cambridge: Home of Intellects and Cozy Independents

So here we are, my final stop in Cambridge, England. Alma mater to some of the world’s most brilliant minds who were bestowed with the gift of intellect. These are not your perfect SAT Score everyday genius’ – we’re talking Stephen Hawking smart, the guy […]